Tuesday, January 31, 2006

whenever we speak with the angels
rilke writes that we should
speak of common things
of the ordinary objects
that are truly knowable to us
however i am not often
in dialogue with angels
nor am i often concerned with things
in the age-old dichotomy
of perception versus reality
i will always side with perception
not that the other isn’t important
but rather that the portions
we can experience
free from perception
are rare indeed
as well as patently boring
it is much more fruitful
to provosculate upon those things
which are mediated by perception
therefore we can no longer let being
be the finale of seeming
rather we must recognize
that seeming gives reality to being
and that being gives birth to saying
but now is not the time for the sayable
it is the time for speaking
what is unsayable therefore
we must continue to probe
the unsayable the unknowable
for these are all that is
worth troubling ourselves to say

Thursday, January 26, 2006

life is nothing
but an exercise in reading
an effort to find
music in the prosaic
the alliteration of the landscape
the enjambments of daily
interactions and the metonymic
semiotics of perception
i like to dwell where
image confronts thought
where consciousness
encounters the real
as language
as poetry
or even as prose
perhaps it’s foolish but
i often wonder
if i encounter or even
inhabit the same world you do
surely we have learned different
lessons in the reading of reality
i tend to inhabit the meta-
elements of the construct
deconstructing the discursive
for me the beauty is in the
finding of the façade
the act of translating five senses
into the language of thought
and then interpreting that language
into the content of our consciousness
into the shaping of understanding
and the making of memory
not only mediates the objective
it is the objective
poets long ago wrote of how we half-create
the scenes we experience
of how we even though
we look upon the same tree
i doubt we see the same tree